Sunday, June 8, 2014

Big Kid - Summer Reading and The Work Bin

I super duper stress before summer break every year.  My 7-year old doesn't do well at home.  He gets bored easily (I hate that word) and would rather be at the zoo, the pool, the library, etc., etc., etc.  And with a toddler who needs a nap, afternoons are tough.

In addition, now that my son is entering second grade, his school expects him to do summer reading and a little work every day to keep up with his math and writing skills.

I decided to BE READY for summer!

I created four bins - the Book Bin, the Work Bin, the Lego Bin and the Art Bin.  Every day, when my toddler is sleeping, my 7-year old has to do 15 minutes of reading and write it in his "reading log."  Then, he goes to the work bin and picks one thing to do.  I gave him five choices - flash cards, journal, workbook, binder and FREE Folder.  I knew that if I didn't regulate his ability to choose in some way, he would choose FREE Folder every day.  So I made these cards and he has to do one thing a day.  Of course, if he has a play date or summer camp, he can skip a day.

Once he is done with the reading and work bin, he can play with his Lego bin or the art bin, or go play outside.

So far, one week into our summer break, things are going well.  My son doesn't complain TOO much and he enjoys picking his one thing a day.

Another majorly motivating factor is the Summer Reading Clubs at our local library and at Barnes & Noble.  He is reading to earn prizes, which motivates any kid!

Happy, happy summer!

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